Mindfulness in Buddhist Imagery – an evening with Akincano M Weber
I løbet af denne aften guider Akincano M Weber os gennem både billeder og det billedsprog, der bliver brugt i Pali suttaerne – de gamle tekster – for at vise os en anden måde at forstå mindfulness på. Det bliver en aften fyldt med fortællinger!
Mindfulness kan forklares og forstås på rigtig mange forskellige måder. Èn måde at forstå mindfulness på er gennem billeder, som taler til os på en mere intuitiv måde, som ikke kun handler om en intellektuel forståelse, men en måde, der når mere direkte i vores hjerter, følelser og emotioner. Fortællinger og billeder kan forbinde os dybere og mere direkte med de egenskaber og kvaliteter, som mindfulness indeholder.
Denne aften forgår online og bliver undervist på engelsk.
Akincano describes this evening with his own words:
There are many instances in Buddhist texts where mindfulness is illustrated with images rather than defined in terms. Instead of speaking to the reasoning mind, these images appeal to the intuitive, the imaginal, the emotive sides in us. Some of these images are elaborate, some casual, many of them surprising. The evening offers a lighthearted amble through a number of the famous and the less famous illustrations of mindfulness.
Everybody, who would like to find out more about Mindfulness and everyone who has not yet any experience with Mindfulness, but is curious about this ‘hot topic’ is welcome – Please join us for this evening!
Ved tilmelding skal du betale 40 DKK til MobilePay 53581383 (Gerit Stoecklmair). Det er et administrationsgebyr for foreningen ‘Copenhagen Insight Meditation (CIM)’ og overføres i sin helhed til foreningen.
About Akincano M Weber
AKINCANO M. WEBER is a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist. A former monk, he has lived and practised for 20 years in European and Thai Forest monasteries. He is the guiding teacher of Atammaya Cologne, co-founder of Bodhi College and part of several Mindfulness Teacher Programs. He teaches meditation and Buddhist Psychology in secular and traditional contexts in Europe and overseas.
Dana for Akincano
This evening is freely given, but we encourage you to practice generosity and offer Dana to Akincano M Weber. He lives, travels and teaches by Dana only.